
Creating Free Tier AWS Account With Free S3 Storage Account


In this article, we will go through the step by step process of creating an AWS account and using their free tier services such as Amazon S3.

To create a free AWS account follow the below steps,

Step 1

Navigate here.

Step 2

To check the details of what services are available in the free tier scroll at the bottom which would list all the free services available. Please note that the free services are only allowed for 12 months and are only intended for understanding the AWS services. But this is the best way to learn more about different services provided by AWS.

Step 3

Click on Create a Free Account button which would navigate us to a different screen.

Step 4

Fill in all the details which are required as displayed in the image below. The complete form contains 5 steps,

Step 4.1

In step 1 we are required to provide an email address, password, account, and a security check.

Step 4.2

In step 2 we are required to provide the information regarding the usage of the AWS account. For our case, we would select Personal as we are not creating it for any Business but for our training and learning purpose. We would also need to provide our communication details we can use our home address for the same.

Step 4.3

In step 3 we are required to provide our credit card details and a nominal charge of INR 2 is deducted from the credit card.

Step 4.4

In step 4 we need to verify our mobile phone, we can either use SMS or Call based authentication for the same. In this example, I have used SMS based authentication.

Step 4.5

In step 5 we need to select the plan which we would use for example we would use Basic support - Free as we would be using it for our training purpose. Click on complete sign-up to complete the process.

Once the process is completed we will get a confirmation message as displayed in the image below,

Free Amazon S3 storage account

Let us now create a free Amazon S3 storage account in Free Tier where we would get access to 5GB of standard storage with 20,000 get requests and 2,000 put requests.

For creating a free Amazon S3 storage account follow the below steps,

Step 1

Navigate here.

Step 2

Provide Root user email address which we used to create a free account.

Step 3

Search for S3 in the search bar or expand All services and Select S3 under the Storage section.

Step 4

Click on Create bucket which would be used to store the data.

Step 5

Fill up the details which are required for creating the bucket.

As displayed in the image below for the example we have used Asia Pacific(Mumbai) region but we can select any other region as well as per our requirement. Also, we have not used any kind of encryption but we can use it as per our requirement. We can also block public access or provide it as per our requirement but for this example, we have blocked all public access.

Step 6

Once the bucket is created we can now create folders or upload files as per our requirement but please note that we can only upload up to 5GB of data.


It is very easy to create a free Amazon Web service free account which we can use for learning and training purposes. And to use it as an AWS storage account is also very easy by creating a bucket. With the free account, we can use free services for 12 months but with some restrictions.