
Outgoing Web Hook In Teams Using Yeoman Teams Generator

Introduction This article will help us understand Outgoing Webhook in MS Teams, and is a step by step guid for creating outgoing webhook using yeoman teams generator. Outgoing Webhook in MS Teams acts like a bot which can be triggered from channel using @mention, web hook can receive messages posted along with the @mention and can send reply based on the incoming message. In this article we will focus on creating Outgoing web hook using yeoman generator and use it in MS Teams.

Working With Timezone In SPFx

Introduction While designing applications, we may come across multiple scenarios where our application could run across multiple locations and timezones, and working with all these timezones could be a difficult task. With the introduction of SharePoint framework, creating a scalable and UI friendly application is very easy. With modern SharePoint, creating an Intelligent intranet is very easy and is becoming popular. There can be a scenario where intranet users are across multiple locations, therefore we need to create an SPFx solution considering all these locations.

Function And Class Component In React With SPFx

Introduction In this article, we will learn the different types of components that we can create in React We will also learn which should be used in which conditions. React provides us two different types of components: Function component Class component React documentation for different components can be found in the below link. Difference Function component In the syntax point of view, we do not write class for function component rather we create it as a function It only accepts props as an argument We can not use state with functional component i.

Update Profile Picture Using Graph API In SPFx

Introduction Microsoft 365 has a different application in its suite. To combine all these data for developers Microsoft came up with Graph API. This has helped developers to access data across applications in Microsoft 365. One such example which we would leverage today is to save profile picture which would reflect across all the applications in Microsoft 365. In this article, we will create a SPFx webpart where user can select their profile picture and on click of the save button, the profile picture will be updated for all apps in Microsoft 365.

Fetch SP list items from another site using PnP JS.

Introduction SharePoint Online has gained more popularity with the release of REST API and SPFx. Data operation becomes easy in Client-Side Solution with the help of REST API. All these APIs work under current user permission and there could be a scenario that current users can have access to multiple site collection and we would need to fetch data for cross-site collection. How we can fetch cross-site collection data is a question, but with the help of PnPJs this question can be easily solved.

Create Rich Text control w/ image and video in SPFx.

Introduction Rich Text Control is one of the most-used controls in classic SharePoint Lists but if we need to create a customization for Modern SharePoint List form using SharePoint Framework there is no easy way to do so. But in this article, we will understand how we can use react-quill control to save the rich text field and also display it for the existing items. react-quill is based on Quill which is trusted by Microsoft.

Learn PnP DateTimePicker in SPFx.

Introduction When customizing the form with the help of SPFx, we may come across the requirement of using Date Time control. However, if we are using fluent UI react controls, formally known as Office UI fabric React controls, then we do not have control with both date and time. Rather, we only have date picker to overcome this PnP Team has created a DateTimePicker Control this can be easily used and configured in SPFx.

How To Create Portable Modules Using PowerShell In macOS

Introduction With the introduction of PowerShell 7 it is very easy to use PowerShell across all the platforms and so we will want to create our own custom PowerShell modules as well. To do so it is very easy with the introduction of .net core – truly Microsoft is being platform agnostic in terms of development. So let us understand how we can create our own custom module for PowerShell.

How To Setup Environment For SharePoint Framework In macOS

Introduction SharePoint Framework is one of the most loved development frameworks for the SharePoint developer, as it is cross-platform and completely based on front end technologies like reactjs, vuejs, and angular. Let’s understand how we can set up SharePoint Framework (SPFx) in Mac OS. Step 1 - Install Node.js The first step for setting up our development environment in Mac OS is to install Node.js which is the building block. To install Node.

SharePoint CSOM For .NET Standard

Introduction SharePoint has an object model known as Client-side object model (CSOM) which is available for .net framework. It wasn’t available for .NET standard, but now Microsoft has provided a much-awaited CSOM for .NET standard. With the release of this, we can easily connect to SharePoint using an Azure AD OAuth based approach from .net core applications. So to understand how CSOM for .NET standard work let’s create a .net core console application and connect to SharePoint and fetch all the items from the list