
Custom Connector To Connect Graph API In PowerApps

Introduction PowerApps is a platform where we can build no code or less code application. This tool is available with Microsoft 365 suit and is very powerful in terms of application development with lots of functions available as per your needs. But in most cases, when we create a custom application, we would like to connect to the different data sources. One of those data sources for Microsoft 365 is Graph API.

Variables In PowerApps

Introduction With the introduction of PowerApps, more and more users are moving into PowerApps development for easy and no-code development tools. However, users from a coding background found it difficult, as there were no variables in PowerApps. Not now, with the introduction of variables in PowerApps, it has become a Powerful no-code tool. So let’s understand PowerApps Variables and how they works. Types of Variables Just as we have different scopes of variables in the programming language in PowerApps, we also have different scoped variables the three different types of variables which are available in PowerApps, as mentioned below:

How To Use PropertyFieldCollectionData In SPFx Property Pane

Introduction With the introduction of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) , front end development has become very easy and hosting of the webpart is taken care of by SharePoint, which does not require an additional server. So the use of SPFx is growing exponentially and the best part of SPFx webparts is they are easy to configure. To Configure SPFx web part we have Property Pane which opens up in a panel and we can add any controls as per our need.

CRUD Operation On SPFx Webpart Using PnP PowerShell

Introduction With the introduction to SharePoint Framework (SPFx), creating webparts using frontend technologies has been very easy. But what if we want to maintain it and create some automation for adding, updating, or deleting this SPFx webparts? In this scenario, PnP PowerShell helps us with all the CRUD operations for SPFx webparts. So let us check how we can utilize this. Installation of PnP PowerShell Installing PnP PowerShell is very easy.

How To Setup Environment For Yeoman Teams Generator

Introduction With the increase in Microsoft Teams adoption, companies are switching to Microsoft team’s development for extending the capabilities for Microsoft Teams for better collaboration. To make this development easy to use and to centralize it, the PnP team has generator a yeoman scaffolder for Teams applications. So let’s look into setting up the environment and creating a sample bot for Microsoft Teams. Environment Setup Step 1 - Install nvm-windows We will use nvm-windows for installing Node.

How To Use PnP Search Filters And Search Vertical Web Parts

Introduction In this article, we will learn how to use the PnP search filter and search a vertical web part Prerequisites - PnP search result and search box web part added in Modern Page - To understand better, check out my article on how to use and configure the PnP search Web part Setup Below are the steps to use PnP Search Filters and Search Vertical Web part Step 1 Add PnP Search Filters and Search Vertical Web part to an existing search modern page

How To Use And Configure PnP Search WebPart

Overview In this article we will understand the complete process of using PnP search webpart in SharePoint Modern Pages. Introduction In SharePoint, with the introduction of Modern Sites and Modern Pages, we aren’t able to change templates in Modern Pages, so if we want to use a customized search in SharePoint Modern sites it would be best to use some existing webparts. To that end, PnP has released Modern Search webparts which will be very helpful and easy to configure.